Saturday, January 28, 2017

Lanitium Ex Machina Sterling

Lanitium Ex Machinan perussukka värissä Sterling päätyi kolmen ohjeen yhdistelmällä villatakiksi. Juneberry Cardiganista otin kauluksen, Contiguousilla tein olkapäät ja muuten silmukkamäärät ovat TTS:n pohjalta. Kauluksen / reunuksen reunassa on koko matkalta 3 silmukan i-cordi ja käytin kauluksen pitsineuletta myös hihansuissa.

I combined three different patterns in this cardigan, which is made from Lanitium Ex Machina's basic sock in colorway Sterling. The shawl collar is from the Juneberry Cardigan, shoulders are made with the contiguous-method and all the stitch counts are from TTS-method. The collar is edged by knitted-on 3 sts i-cord and I used the same lace pattern also on the cuffs. 

Ohjeet / patterns used:

Puikot / Needles:
3.75 mm - US 5
Lanka / Yarn:
Lanitium Ex Machina perussukka / basic sock, 420 m / 100 g, 75 % wool / 25 % nylon

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Simon Says: Gift It

We all hit a dry spell every now and then, right? Well, trying to get my feet wet again with card making (and blogging), so here it goes for Simon Says: Gift It -challenge!

This is a specially made shaker card for twins with their initials on the card. 

I used Simon Says Stamps "Tiny Ray of Sunshine" -stampset and corresponding "Baby Clothes & Crib" die-set from a couple of years back for the card.

It seems my old linking tool had disabled thumbnail images for free subscribers, so I guess I'll skip it for now.

Before the storm

Alecia Beth - takista jäi lankaa yli sen verran, että tein lopuista Avant l'orage -huivin. Kaverina Wollmeise Purea Maus Jung -värissä, vaikka kontrastia vähän vähänlaisesti tulikin.

Puikot / needles: 4.0 mm
Langanmenekki / yarn consumption: Wollmeise Pure 119 g Ooohm, 99 g Maus Jung
Neuleaikaa tunneissa / total knitting time in hours: 24

Leftover yarn from Alecia Beth - cardi became Avant l'orage -shawl. The contrasting color is Maus Jung, even though the contrast in the end was a bit too little for my taste.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Alecia Beth

Ravelryn kanssa meinaa tämä blogi unohtua... Viime postauksen jälkeen on tullut kyllä neulottua enemmänkin, mutta jos nyt hypätään suoraan näihin uusiin. Justyna Lorkowskan suunnittelema Alecia Beth-takki neuloontui kesälomalla Wollmeise Puresta värissä Ooohm.

Modauksia tein suurinpiirtein ihan kaikkeen. Etuosan valepalmikot nyt oli ihan pakko kääntää toisella puolella peilikuvaksi, ne jatkuvat ohjetta alemmas ja nurjalla silmukkarivillä tehty valesivusauma muutamia mainitakseni. 

Projekti Ravelryssa
Puikot: 3,75 mm + 3,5 mm
Langanmenekki: 361 g
Neuleaikaa: n. 63 tuntia.

Oh right, I have a blog... I haven't stop knitting, but I will just hop over the projects I haven't blogged about and focus on the new ones. On my summer vacation I finished Alecia Beth by Justyna Lorkowska from Wollmeise Pure in the colorway Ooohm.

A lot of modifications to the original pattern:
- Adjusted stitchcount overall, incl. rows to inc. and dec. in the body and inc. in the sleeves.
- Bust shaping with short rows.
- Continued the faux cables in front longer then the pattern called for to better fit my bust line. 
- Mirrored the faux cables in the front.
- Used a purl stitch for faux seam in the sides and the sleeves.
- Judy's surprisingly stretchy bind-off for bottom, cuffs and neck.
- Knitted the neckband first to get all the button holes facing the same way. I have never had issues with the top button coming loose with an vertical buttonhole.
- Tulip buttonholes.

In Ravelry
Needles: 3,75 mm + 3,5 mm
Yarn consumption: 361 g
Knitting time: about 63 hours.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Avocado hoodie

Löysin netin syövereistä hupparimallin, joka oli ihan pakko saada. Avocado hoodiessa on ylipitkät, peukaloaukolliset hihat ja kengurutasku. Tykkään myös prinsessasaumoista. Tein ensimmäisen koeversion 100% puuvillainterlockista, jonka perusteella modailin kaavoja hieman. Käytin tätä tutoriaalia peukaloaukkojen ompeluun ohjeen version sijasta.

I found a fantastic hoodie online and I just had to buy the pattern. The Avocado Hoodie has overlong sleeves with thumbholes and a kangaroo-pocket. The princess seams are also nice addition. I made the first test version from 100% cotton interlock, and used it to test and modify the fit. I used this tutorial to sew the cuffs instead of the method in the pattern.

Kavensin takakappaletta ja otin takasaumoja sisään S-kokoon saakka, leikkasin alapalan S-kokoon ja pidensin hihaa ja vastaavasti lyhensin ranneketta. Sitten uskaltauduin leikkaamaan ihanan violettia collegea :)

I narrowed the back piece and graded the princess seams into S-size. I also changed the bottom piece into S-size and lengthened the sleeves and shortened the cuffs accordingly. After the pattern changes I dared to cut into my lovely purple sweatshirt cotton.

Kangas oli lopultakin vähän turhan paksua, interlock-versio laskeutuu paljon nätimmin. Teen ehdottomasti tämän kolmannenkin kerran, silloin luultavasti vetoketjulla.

The sweatshirt cotton was a bit too heavy for this, I like the fall on the interlock more. I will definitely sew this again, most likely with a front closing zipper.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Louët S10 DT vs. Schacht Ladybug

Tämä on sen verran pitkä postaus, että hyppään suomennoksen yli tällä kertaa :) Ajatuksia Louët S10 DT:sta ja Schacht Ladybugista tuoreen kehrääjän silmin.

When I got my first spinning wheel little over a year ago, I really wanted a Schacht Ladybug. It looked nice and had both scotch and double drive. Unfortunately it was not available in Norway and I wanted to support a local dealer, so Silja Devine suggested getting a Louët S10 DT. I had never spun on a wheel before, so I had no presumptions on what I would get. 

I had some beginner's issues with my S10, but eventually with some Vaseline and googling I got around spinning actual yarn with it. In addition to one-braid skeins, I have spun 2 sweater quantities with my Louët, a 3-ply (light) fingering weight and a heavier 3-ply between worsted and DK. I can spin thin on the Louët, but it requires tricking the wheel by crosslacing the flyer to lessen the pull on my hands. 

But then Spinnvilt announced they would be taking in Schacht. I still wanted my Ladybug...

So, here they are, side by side:

After testing out the Ladybug I thought I'd write down some thoughts on both wheels.

Louët S10 DT:
+ "Spinning wheel for dummies". Very few moving parts, easy to understand. I had only done spindle spinning and watched some YouTube-videos before venturing forth with my first wheel.
+ Changing bobbins is easy-peasy. You cannot get them in the wrong way (well, yes you can, but there is no drive band groove on the other end, so you cannot SPIN like that).
+ Relatively easy to treadle one footed, even though it is double treadle. 
+/- Pulls like a freight train, fantastic for plying and thicker yarns, a bit tricky for thin singles.
+ Sliding hooks on the flyer - love these things!
+ Plastic driveband and leather break band - pretty much indestructible.
+ Relatively large bobbins.
- Only one tension type (Irish tension / bobbin lead)
- The drive wheel has a preferred stopping point - at my wheel it is the hole situated at 1 o'clock. If it is not there, it WILL roll there by itself. 
- Doesn't have a hook / screw to attach your singles to when you stop spinning on the side of the mother-of-all like the Ladybug does.
(- It really isn't pretty to look at...)

Schacht Ladybug:
+ Scotch tension and double drive, so my collection is now complete. Haven't tried DD yet though.
+ I feel I have more control on the Scotch to do minute adjustments than the Irish.
+ You can adjust the take up to almost nothing to allow for easy thin spinning.
+ Large treadles allow adjusting foot position while spinning.
+ The wheel doesn't seem to have a preferred position, so it will stay where you parked it.
+ Little screw on the side of the mother-of-all to wrap your singles around when you stop spinning.
(+ just so darned pretty)
- Changing bobbins is a lot more hassle than on the S10. You will have to make sure the front maiden is just right after changing, or you'll face troubles.
- I miss my sliding hooks... You can get a Woolly Winder though, or the bulky flyer head.
- I have not yet mastered one-footed treadling.
- Due to allowing multiple tension methods, you can put the bobbins in the wrong way.

I love the Ladybug and have no regrets in getting it, but at the same time I am happy I didn't get the Ladybug as my first wheel, since I had absolutely no experience on wheels. It is much more complex system, and I still keep on forgetting to take off the break band when changing bobbins... The S10 is just *easy*. I will be keeping it for plying as the bobbins are bigger (I don't have the bulky flyer for the Ladybug) and the Irish tension gives more take up. I tested plying on the Ladybug and to get the amount of take up I was used to on the S10 I really had to crank the breakband and treadling became very heavy.

Louët is now offering configurable wheels, where you basically can build your own, so the S10 as its own model is no longer available, but there is a configuration option to get the same set up.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Moab shawl

Tour de Fleecen aikana kehräsin Lanitium ex Machinan merinoa 2-säikeiseksi paksuksi pitsivahvuudeksi (800m/145g; 551m/100g). Etsiskelin pitkään huivimallia, ja päädyin Moab shawliin, joka toimii hyvin käsinkehrätyn langan kanssa. Työmatkaprojektina meni 27 tuntia neulomiseen. Projekti Ravelryssa.

During Tour de Fleece I span Lanitium ex Machina's merino into a heavy lace weight 2-ply (800m/145g; 551m/100g). After searching ages for a pattern, I found the Moab shawl, which works nicely with handspun. This was a commute project, total of 27 hours. Project-page in Ravelry.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Lisää käsinkehrättyjä neuleita / More handspun knits

Harjoittelin kehräämään taitteelta vähän paksumpaa lankaa, ja siihen tarkoitukseen hurruuttelin Spun Right Around rambouillet -letin värissä Lady Thunder 2-säikeiseksi langaksi. Lopputuloksena oli 114 g / 176 m lankaa. Tuota värien sekoittumista kerratussa langassa on hypnoottista seurata. 

I was learning how to spin from the fold and make a bit thicker yarn. Here is Spun Right Around's rambouillet tops in the colorway Lady Thunder spun up as 2-ply. The result was 114 g / 176 m of yarn. It is just hypnotic to see how the colors blend in plying.

Tikutin samoin tein itselleni peruslapaset 4,5 mm puikoilla. 

I made myself basic mittens with 4,5 mm needles.

Villatakkilankoja jäi sen verran yli, että tein lopuista Revontuli-huivin. Siipiväli pingotuksen jäljiltä on n. 170 senttiä, korkeus 75 cm.
I had some yarn left from the cardigan, so I made a Revontuli-shawl from it. Wingspan ended up about 170 cm, height 75 cm.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

From fiber to finished - topsista takiksi

I took on a project to spin for a cardigan a while back. Three Waters Farm polwarth-silk in the colorway Agate turned into lovely traditional 3-ply light fingering weight yarn. I got total of 2163m/448g yarn and used approx 85 hours to spin the yarn.

Aloitin huhtikuussa villatakkiprojektiin kehräämisen. Three Waters Farmin polwarth-silkki värissä Agate kehräytyi perinteiseksi 3-säikeiseksi langaksi, jota tuli yhteensä 2163m/448g. Kehräysaikaa meni yhteensä noin 85 tuntia.

I knit the cardigan with the Tailored Sweater -method with added contiguous sleeves. Contiguous sleeves seem to fit my skinny shoulders better than the original TTS-type. For the faux seams I used a purl stitch for the first time, and I really love the effect! Total yarn consumption was 255 grams and knitting time approx 73 hours. Ravel it!

Neuloin villatakin Tuulia Salmelan the Tailored Sweater -metodilla, mutta vaihdoin hihaistutukset contiguous-mallin mukaisiksi. Contiguous istuu paremmin omiin olkapäihini. Valesaumoissa käytin nurjaa silmukkaa ja tästä tuli ehdoton suosikkini. Takkiin meni yhteensä 255 grammaa lankaa ja neuleaikaa 73 tuntia. Projektisivu Ravelryssa.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Rye with a twist / Ruista soveltaen

You know when sometimes you start a project with one pattern in mind, then your gauge is way off and you end up changing absolutely everything? That's what happened here. I started out with Rye  because I fell in love with the ribbons. I was nowhere near the ballpark with gauge, so had to recount everything, and then I also added some more decreases. And then I remembered seeing some wristies in Ravelry where the thumb gusset incorporated leaf-lace (October Leaves Fingerless Mitts), and since I wanted some umpf to the stockinette, I took just the lace-pattern. In the end I decided to leave out the ribbons from Rye because I think the buttons would catch on my jacket as I am wearing these in the chilly mornings of the spring.

Project in Ravelry
Yarn: Handspun bfl-silk, 40g
Needles: 3mm + 2,5mm for the top ribbing

Tiedättehän sen, kun aloitat neuletta tietystä ohjeesta, ja neuletiheys ei täsmää ollenkaan, ja lopulta siitä alkuperäisestä ohjeesta ei ole mitään jäljellä? No näin kävi (taas) tällä kertaa. Aloitin Ruista ranteessa, kun rakastuin noihin kiinnitysnauhoihin, mutta neuletiheys ei ollut sinne päinkään. Pikaiset uudelleenlaskelmat ja lisäsin vielä kavennuksia tuohon varteen. Sitten muistin laittaneeni yhdet hauskat kämmekkään suosikkeihin Ravelryssa, kun niissä oli peukalokiila tehty lehtipitsillä. Halusin jotain vähän erikoisempaa sileää neuletta maustamaan, joten otin sitten October Leaves Fingerless Mitts:eista pitsikuvion. Pääteltyäni kämmekkäät tulin siihen tulokseen, että noi Rukiiden ihanien kiinnitysnauhojen napit varmasti jäisivät vain kiinni takkiin, kun näistä tuli ulkoiluvarusteet kevään kylmiin aamuihin. Että semmoset ei-rukiit :)

Projekti Ravelryssa
Lanka: Käsinkehrätty bfl-silkki, 40g
Puikot: 3mm + 2,5mm yläosan juostinneuleeseen

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hilltop Cloud BFL-silk

More practising at gettting even quality yarn: Hilltop Cloud's bfl-silk ended up as 3-ply 360m/90g fingering weight.

Sormiharjoittelut jatkuvat, Hilltop Cloudin bfl-silkki taipui kolmisäikeiseksi langaksi, metrejä n. 360m / 90g.

Retro Girl Starshower

I've been a good girl and actually knit some of my spinning! Greenwood Fiberworks' heathered bfl in Retro Girl -colorway ended up as a cowl.

Olen jopa neulonut kehräilyistäni :) Greenwood Fiberworksin heathered bfl värissä Retro Girl taipui keepiksi.

Pattern / Ohje: Starshower
Needles / Puikot: 4 mm
Project in Ravelry

Sunday, April 13, 2014

P*skarteluhaaste #228 luonnos

The Finnish P*skarteluhaaste called for a sketch and I got to use my lovely Penny Black Softly -stamp colored in with Inktense-pencils and Memory Box Flourish -stencil with white ink.

Paskiksessa luonnostellaan, ja tähän oli ihan pakko korkata Penny Blackin Softly -leimasin. Käytin Archival Sepiaa mustan sijasta, kraft-pohjalle suoraan leimaten. Värittelin Inktense-kynillä ja päälle vettä, jotta sain väreistä vahvemmat. Kulmat tein valkoisella musteella Memory Boxin Flourish -sabluunan läpi. Valkoisella kynällä korostuksia ja doodleja, sekä valkoisia enamel dotseja. Tämmöstä tällä kertaa :)