Saturday, September 21, 2013

Addicted to technics #2: Kollaasi leimaten

The Finnish challenge-blog Addicted to Technics has their second challenge and they call for collage stamping. I used my brand spanking new Unity Stamps Layers of Life September 2013 -kit for this. I can warmly recommend their clubs, internationally you save in postages and every month you get stamp-yummies in your mailbox! I also threw in a couple of old polymerstamps that were leaf-shaped. Stamping is made with Archival inks and coloring with Distress inks and Stains.

Addicted to Technicsin toisella kierroksella haastettiin kollaasileimailuun. Otin tähän käyttöön Unity Stampsin juuri postilaatikkoon tupsahtaneen Layers of Life -klubin syyskuun leimasinpaketin. Voin lämpimästi suositella noita Unityn klubeja, postikuluissa tulee paljon säästöä ja joka kuukausi löytyy postilaatikosta uusia leimoja! Leimailuun on käytetty myös kahta ikivanhaa lehdenmuotoista polymeerileimasinta, taitavat olla jostain Basic Greyn setistä.

Musteina käytin varsinaiseen leimailuun Archivalia sävyissä sienna, sepia ja tuo puukuva on leimattu coffeella. Sävytykset ovat tehty erisävyisillä Distress Inkeillä (rusty hinge, peeled paint, vintage photo, wild honey). Erikseen leimatut ja irtileikatut lehdet on leimattu Archival coffella, embossattu värittömällä kohokuviojauhella ja väritetty Distress Staineilla (rusty hinge, wild honey). Etupuolen lehti on nostettu 3d-liimatyynyillä kolmiulotteiseksi.

Kortista tuli tuon puukuvan koon takia on iso, 6x6 tuumaa.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Book of Secrets / Salaisuuksien kirja

During my summer vacation I found online crafting courses and indulged myself. Here is my finished Book of Secrets based on Andy Skinner's Book of Secrets -workshop

Kesälomalla löysin askartelunettikurssit ja tässä on Andy Skinnerin Book of Secrets -kurssittelun lopputulos.



Edges: Archival inks and Vilda Stamps on Tim Holtz's French industrial-paper:



Since the material-listings are published outside the workshop, I feel comfortable to say something about my substitutions: instead of the Americana/Traditions I used Liquitex/Golden acrylics, Inka Gold, Mod Podge and Liquitex matte medium.

Koska kurssin tarvikeluettelo on saatavilla jo ennen kurssille ilmoittautumista, voinen tähän lisätä omat korvaukseni: American/Traditions maalien sijasta käytin Liquitexin / Goldenin akryylimaaleja, Inka Goldia, Mod Podgea ja Liquitexin matte mediumia.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Tim Holtz's 12 tags of 2013 - September

September tag for the 12 tags of 2013 called for layering stencils, and I managed to grab some of the new TH stencils straight from the first batch that shipped. Hop over to Tim's blog for the tutorial steps - here's some progress images for my tag:

I know it's a bit of a bore the replicate Tim's color scheme, but I just loved it! I am trying to get out of my comfort zone of brown shades, so I think this was a good start :D The only switch I made was the purple being Seedless Preservers, other than that it is the same Peacock Feathers and Wild Honey. Before laying on color I used a Prima stencil for the checkers, both with modeling paste and the Picket Fence Distress Paint.

Next up was layering with the other stencils and stamping. I used the Rays and the Eye Chart for my layers with different brown/black shades of Distress ink. There's a little of The Crafter's Workshop Tiny Circles there as well on the right edge, but that's almost covered by the stamping. The stamp is from Kreativ Hobby, called Grunde Bård II.

Finally some washi tape, metal embellishment and chit-chat stickers and the colored crinkle ribbon: