I found a fantastic hoodie online and I just had to buy the pattern. The Avocado Hoodie has overlong sleeves with thumbholes and a kangaroo-pocket. The princess seams are also nice addition. I made the first test version from 100% cotton interlock, and used it to test and modify the fit. I used this tutorial to sew the cuffs instead of the method in the pattern.
Kavensin takakappaletta ja otin takasaumoja sisään S-kokoon saakka, leikkasin alapalan S-kokoon ja pidensin hihaa ja vastaavasti lyhensin ranneketta. Sitten uskaltauduin leikkaamaan ihanan violettia collegea :)
I narrowed the back piece and graded the princess seams into S-size. I also changed the bottom piece into S-size and lengthened the sleeves and shortened the cuffs accordingly. After the pattern changes I dared to cut into my lovely purple sweatshirt cotton.
Kangas oli lopultakin vähän turhan paksua, interlock-versio laskeutuu paljon nätimmin. Teen ehdottomasti tämän kolmannenkin kerran, silloin luultavasti vetoketjulla.
The sweatshirt cotton was a bit too heavy for this, I like the fall on the interlock more. I will definitely sew this again, most likely with a front closing zipper.