I made some paper rosettes on my scoreboard (the Martha Stewart -version), from 1 inch strips of Tim Holtz's Retro Grunge 12x12 paper. I didn't have any special plans with them, so I ended up build a card around one of them, and here's what I came up with: Opettelin tekemään paperiruusukkeita scoreboardilla (mikäköhän tämä on suomeksi :D). Käytin yhden tuuman levyistä palaa Timpan Retro Grunge-paperia. Tein näitä vain kokeilun vuoksi, joten ei ollut mitään erityistä suunnitelmaa jatkokäyttöä varten. Päädyin tekemään yhdestä tälläisen kortin:
I used the same pattern paper as a background with some Distress Ink -stamping, some twine and half pearls. The rosette is sprayed with Glimmer Mist. There's some stamping in the middle circle of the rosette, but the Glimmer Mist covered it up so it's barely visible. Here's a close up of the layering: Taustalla on samaa TImpan paperia, jota on leimattu Distress Inkeillä, lisätty juuttinarua ja helmenpuolikkaita. Ruusukkeen keskustan ympyrässä on myös leimailua, mutta päälle suihkaistu Glimmer Mist peitti sen aika tehokkaasti. Tässä lähikuva kerrostuksista:
A Finnish challenge, so description in Finnish as well this time :) You'll find the list of used materials in the end of this post as usual. P*skarteluhaasteen #188 aiheena on liukuvärit, ja minä paskartelin tämmöisen:
Gatefold-kortti (mikäköhän tämän suomenkielinen nimitys lienee?) kovin yllättävällä väriteemalla... :P Taustalla ruskeaa Core'dinationsin 6x6 tuumaista paperia embossattuna Cuddlebugin Clockworks-kansiolla, ja etupaneeli liukuväriteltynä Distress Inkeillä. Leimailut Vilda Stampsin ja Visible Imagen leimoilla, ja tuo Visible Imagen Retro Dots Background liukuvärjättynä sekin. Koristeena Timpan mini gearseja. Tuo teksti on Panduron sabluunoita. Onnistuin sössimään tuon embossatun osion kohdistuksen, tarkoitus oli, että se olisi osunut yksi yhteen, mutta fiksuna lyhensin toisen paneelin väärästä päästä (huoh).
Liukuvärjäsin myös sisäpuolen, sekä leimasin Visible Imagen taustaleiman kahdesti ja sabluunoitu Panduron tekstisabluunalla.
Ja tajusin nyt vasta käyttäneeni täsmälleen samoja leimoja ja embossauskansiota kuin parin viikon takaisessa Mojo Mondayssa... Onneksi en ole yhtään urautunut :P
Recipe Papers: Panduro cardstock, Core'dinations 6x6 Cardstock Neutrals, watercolor paper Images: Vilda Stamps V467 KUGGHJULSKIT, V711 KUGGHJULSHÖRN MED KLOCKOR; Visible Image Retro dots background; Ink: Distress Ink Vintage Photo, Victorian Velvet, Antique Linen; Archival Ink Sienna Other: Tim Holtz idea-ology mini gears; Panduro stencil Embossing folder: Cuttlebug Clockworks
First off, this is going to be a long post, so I'll skip the Finnish translations, sorry about that. Okay, this was a learning process, and I am not totally satisfied with the result, but oh well... My very first try in making a mixed media canvas:
I'll try to retrace the process, as this has been on my table for over 3 weeks now... I started with a blank 15x15 cm card-like canvas from Søstrene Grene, grounded it with white gesso and then lay down some light modeling paste from Liquitex over a chicken wire stencil template from Panduro.
Sidenote here: I found out why I should pay a little more for my supplies... I got 4 stencils from Panduro with the same price as one "more known brand", but the Panduro stencils are very harshly cut (the chicken wire and brick wall), and I don't get the effect I want with them. You can see what I mean here:
90 degree angles on bricks? Going to have to find some better templates, ie pay more for them. Anyway, back to business. I glued on some weaved ribbon and twine with Modge Podge matte. I should have used more as it looks a bit lonely now, but still these are the parts I especially love:
The diecut cogs are Tim Holtz Alterations: Sizzix Movers & Shapers - Mini Gears Set and Sizzix Bigz Die - Gadget Gears, cut from a thick cardboard and primed with multiple layers of white gesso and glued down with Glossy Accents. There's a metal brad in the smallest one. I tried adding some self-adhesive aluminium tape to one of the cogs, but the effect didn't come out quite as I wanted.
The metal cog accents are done by layering self-adhesive aluminium tape over a piece of thin cardboard and then running it through my Big Shot with an embossing folder from Cuddlebug called Clockworks. Then I painted it with black acrylic paint, let it dry a bit and then rubbed off the extra paint with a paper towel. I then fuzzycut around the larger cogs to get smaller pieces, which I then adhered with the light modeling paste. When all this was dried, I painted everything except the faux metal panels with white gesso and then sprayed the canvas with ink sprays. I made a custom Distress Ink spray by mixing Antique Linen and Tattered Rose reinkers in a mini-mister and used that as the base. Then I continued with Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist in sand and some spritzes of Dylusions Melted Chocolate. The cogs are painted with Distress Paint dabber in Antique Bronze and with some Inka Gold in copper. I also used the DP dabber around the edges of the canvas. Afterwards I highlighted some places with the white gesso again. Finally I added the Dymo-label.
There were quite some "Oh crap"-moments during the way, but white gesso does save quite a lot :) Lastly I want to share some YouTube-channels I get inspiration and great tutorials from: Luvleescrappin's channel (mixed media canvases) Sari Hänninen's channel (steampunk ideas and the faux metal technique)
I don't have any light purple inks - which is weird as I love purple - so I had to improvise: I colored the diecut and the punched flowers with Fuchsia Pink Promarker, and I love how they turned up! I didn't want to "waste" any of my colored paper stocks, as sometimes I mess up those intricate dies and have to throw away the result. I cut the Garden Weave from a regular thick white drawing paper, and did the same with the larger punched flowers, and then colored them in. The pattern paper and the white paper inside are both shaded with Victorian Velvet Distress Ink and the stamp inside is from Kreativ Hobby, stamped with Archival Ink Sienna. The front is sprayed with Perfect Pearls Mists (color: Perfect Pearl). You'll find rest of the supply list below. Recipe Papers: Panduro cardstock, Basic Gray Porcelain Paper Pad 6x6 Images: Kreativ Hobby: Hjørne - Siluett grunge Ink: Distress Ink Victorian Velvet; Archival Ink Sienna Coloring: Promarker Fuchsia Pink; Perfect Pearls Mists Perfect Pearl Other: Papirdesign halfpearls, purple; EK Retro flower punch Dies: Sizzix Framelits Circles; Spellbinders Shapeabilities D-Lites Garden Weave
Sometimes you find a pattern that you kinda like, but it doesn't fit you as it is. I liked the stripes on Elfe from the start, but a short sleeved pullover just doesn't fit my wardrobe. If it is warm enough for me to not wear long sleeves, it's too hot for a knitted garment. So, here's my TTS interpretation of Elfe. Joskus sitä löytää ohjeen, joka on muuten kiva, mutta jokin osa mättää. Tykästyin Elfen raidoitukseen heti, mutta lyhythihaisen villapaidan epäkäytännöllisyys ei houkuttanut. Jos on tarpeeksi lämmintä sille, että en kaipaa hihoja, on liian kuuma villavaatteille. Joten yhdistin Elfen raidoituksen Tuulian TTS-metodilla tehtyyn villatakkiin.
The button band was a bit of a nightmare (note to self: PLAN beforehand next time), but in the end I managed all the buttons with equidistant spacing and added grosgrain ribbon sewed on the back. Nappilista oli aika painajainen (etukäteen suunnittelu on amatööreille...), mutta sain sitten kuitenkin lopulta napit tasavälein kiinni ja kangasnauhan ommeltua nappilistojen takapuolelle.
Ravelry project. 3,5 mm needles / puikot Wollmeise Pure Mäuseschwänzchen + Heavy Metal