Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bloody dog / Perkeleen koira...

A while back Suvi got a lovely felted mouse from a fellow blog cat, and she loved it so much last week the insides (foam) began to show. I put it in my craft room to wait for fixing, but she stole it at some point and today it was on the living room floor, still intact. Until an hour ago...

Tosiaan, muutama viikko sitten Suvi sai kanssablogikisulta neulahuovutetun hiiren, jota rakastettiin niin rajusti, että viime viikolla siitä alkoi näkyä sisuskalut (vaahtomuovi). Nostin sen talteen käsityöhuoneeseeni, josta Suvi sen varasti jossain vaiheessa takaisin ja tänään se taas pyöri olohuoneen lattialla, vielä tosin kokonaisena. Kunnes tunti sitten...

Jeah, sometimes I wish the dog would have the concept of "what-I-did-5-minutes-ago" so I could spank his skinny little arse. But no, so I just quietly cleaned up the remains of the mousie and noted to myself that the cat still cannot have nice kitty-toys. Thanks anyway Heli and Bea, Suvi had fun while it lasted...

Joskus toivon, että koiralla olisi jonkinlainen käsitys siitä, mitä se teki viisi minuuttia sitten, jotta voisin antaa sille kunnon selkäsaunan. Mutta kun ei, niin siivosin sitten vain hiiren jäänteet kiltisti ja totesin, että kissa ei vieläkään voi saada kivoja kissaleluja. Kiitos kuitenkin Helille ja Bealle, Suvilla oli kivaa niin pitkään kuin sitä kesti...


  1. I read your blog via Google Reader, and somehow got the Translations feature turned on. Which mean today I got two versions of the English posting. But I had to pass along the 'translated' version because, well, LOL:

    "Sometimes I wish that the dog would have some idea of what it did five minutes ago, so I could give it a condition of the spinal bath. But when you do not, so just a mouse click siivosin remnants nicely and I said, that the cat is still not able to get nice toys for the cat. "

    Condition of the spinal bath - really, too good.

  2. Haha, this did make me laugh...well, you would get a puppy & a kitten at the same time!! Shall I list some of the casualties our dogs have caused as pups? Let's start in order of expense...a camera, £70 trainers, every wooden ornament I own, wellie boot, various assorted balls of yarn, books, my prize wisteria, an umbrella, the bannister (!), assorted kitchen rugs, toys, own toys, own toy box, brand new dog bed, contents of kitchen bin, contents of sitting room bin......contents of kitchen's a good job they're loveable!

  3. Meillä ei voi vieläkään antaa kissoille leluja koska pirk syö ne..

  4. mixköhän tuo näyttää niin tutulta??? ;D
