Sunday, June 7, 2009

Magnificent knitting news!

Xrx apparently finally caved in after tons of email requests from avid knitters...

Magnificent Mittens revised edition

# Paperback: 144 pages
# Publisher: Xrx Books (November 1, 2009)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 1933064161
# ISBN-13: 978-1933064161

What can I say but POWER TO THE KNITTERS! This book is a total gem <3


Joukkovoiman riemuvoitto: Xrx Publishing julkaisee uudistetun painoksen Magnificent Mittens -kirjasta. Tämä opus on täynnä mahtavia kirjoneulelapasia!

Hki/Esp/Vnt/K -alueella asuville tämä kirja on saatavilla Helmetin kirjastoista, mikäli sitä ei joku ole sitten viime näkemän varastanut. Ebayssahan alkuperäistä kirjaa myydään ~200 dollarin hintaan...

1 comment:

  1. Hiya Nunt, thank you for joining in with my candy...this is my first time on my blog and I have to say I have fallen in love with your wrist warmers they are fantastic, I will certainly have to get some for myself and my mentioned in your comment you have no Magnolia stamp, if you would like some stamped images please email me and tell me what you use to colour with and your address and I will pop some stamped images in the post for email address is on my blog xxx
