... it is REALLY difficult to remember it when the dog chases the cat on the bed and then pisses all over your feather filled duvet.
I'm just saying...
And to this day, my cat has pissed on the floor once - because her litter box had been put behind the door for 10 minutes while we were gone so the dog wouldn't eat the contents.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Simon Says and MMSC12
Distressing day today, just because Simon Says so! Sketch from the ever talented MMSC-crew. Stamps from Kreativ Hobby's sale, where I bought *cough* just a few stamps *cough* cause they were so cheap! The ladies are always including a little stamp or two too as a thank you, so the corner stamp you see is one of those freebies :)

Papers: Stash
Images: Kreativ Hobby
Ink: Distress Inks Vintage Photo and Fired Brick, Brilliance Dew Drops
Other: Retro punch, ribbon and Kort & Godt metal brads

Papers: Stash
Images: Kreativ Hobby
Ink: Distress Inks Vintage Photo and Fired Brick, Brilliance Dew Drops
Other: Retro punch, ribbon and Kort & Godt metal brads
card making,
Simon Says,
Marshmellow Anya
Another Mina's wonderful images :) This is a dual challenge: for Farm Fresh Friday, "fluttery floral" and for allsorts challenge, "marshmellow and chocolate" + Dawny P.'s sketch

Papers: Basic Gray porcelain, stash papers
Images: The Greeting Farm Miss Anya collection, Stampin' Up Butterflies
Ink: VersaFine Jet Black
Coloring: Watercolor pencils
Other: Basic Gray pearls

Papers: Basic Gray porcelain, stash papers
Images: The Greeting Farm Miss Anya collection, Stampin' Up Butterflies
Ink: VersaFine Jet Black
Coloring: Watercolor pencils
Other: Basic Gray pearls
Basic Gray,
card making,
the Greeting Farm
Kissakuvahaaste 116: Sohvanvaltaaja (Finnish cat picture challenge)
Tämän viikon kissakuvahaasteen aiheena on "Sohvanvaltaaja". Meidän Suvissa on jotain vikaa, kun se mieluummin makoilee kovilla alustoilla, kuten ikkunalauta, lattia tai oma kiipeilyteline (tai mun työpöytä...). Muutama sohvakuva on kuitekin tullut napattua, varsinkin jos sohvalla on Seuraa ™
Jos sohvalla on nukuttava, se on tietysti vallattava kokonaisuudessaan:

Tai jos sohvalla jo joku lukee (aiheeseen sopivaa) kirjaa, selkänoja kelpaa myös:

Viime päivinä sohvalla on uskaltanut loikoilla myös "veljen" kanssa:
Jos sohvalla on nukuttava, se on tietysti vallattava kokonaisuudessaan:

Tai jos sohvalla jo joku lukee (aiheeseen sopivaa) kirjaa, selkänoja kelpaa myös:

Viime päivinä sohvalla on uskaltanut loikoilla myös "veljen" kanssa:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Craft room
Okay, I gave up on ever having my craft room "clean", so here goes:

I absolutely fell in love with this table from Ikea (link to the Norwegian site), because of the depth and the top shelves and the metal stands. All structures you see actually came with the table, the magnetic whiteboard on the right included! As you can see, the table is perfect for crafting: I can fit all, a 20 inch flat screen, wireless keyboard AND an A3-sized cutting mat on it at the same time! Also, the table can hold one kitten in various places during crafting processes ;P
Here's a close up on what's going on at the bottom left corner:

Mommy has such soft yarn and cardigan to sleep on...
Ps. No, the bear board is not ours - apparently previous occupants had this as a child's bedroom because it is the smallest bedroom of the three, and put up wallpapers to match...

I absolutely fell in love with this table from Ikea (link to the Norwegian site), because of the depth and the top shelves and the metal stands. All structures you see actually came with the table, the magnetic whiteboard on the right included! As you can see, the table is perfect for crafting: I can fit all, a 20 inch flat screen, wireless keyboard AND an A3-sized cutting mat on it at the same time! Also, the table can hold one kitten in various places during crafting processes ;P
Here's a close up on what's going on at the bottom left corner:

Mommy has such soft yarn and cardigan to sleep on...
Ps. No, the bear board is not ours - apparently previous occupants had this as a child's bedroom because it is the smallest bedroom of the three, and put up wallpapers to match...
life in general
Tatting roses
I figured I'd try needle tatting a few roses for my cards. After some searching I decided to adapt Mrs. Beeton's lovely work from the 1870 (gotta love Project Gutenberg...). Scroll down to tatting pattern 45.--Tatted Rosette - I chose to do the middle rose only. I followed the instructions, making 5 petals per layer, with 9, 15, 21 and 27 double stitches per petal, closing each petal but not reversing. This is what it looked like before I sew it together, erm, a pink loop worm?

I then used the thread to stitch together corresponding layers, to form the 3D-structure. A bit fiddly, but worth the effort IMHO.

And this was actually rather quick to do because the lack of picots.

I then used the thread to stitch together corresponding layers, to form the 3D-structure. A bit fiddly, but worth the effort IMHO.

And this was actually rather quick to do because the lack of picots.
card making,
needle tatting
Budding camaraderie
Budding camaraderie on the couch...

Don't be fooled though, 99% of the time they are still more or less at odds.

Don't be fooled though, 99% of the time they are still more or less at odds.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
A few videos of the kitten in action :)
Killing the bat (and her own tail):
REAL cat-DPS in action:
REAL cat-DPS in action:
Simon Says Do Dawny P's Sketch
Simon Says Do Dawny P's Sketch this week.

This digital stamp is from the incredibly talented Maurie J Manning and a funny thing, she is partly Finnish and this is her interpretation of her Finnish great grandmother (mummu = grandmother in Finnish). I knew I wanted her the second I saw her! Backed up with Basic Gray Porcelain papers
Papers: Basic Gray Porcelain
Images: Mummu from Mo's Digital Pencil
Ink: Printer ink
Coloring: Watercolor pencils, Koi-brush

This digital stamp is from the incredibly talented Maurie J Manning and a funny thing, she is partly Finnish and this is her interpretation of her Finnish great grandmother (mummu = grandmother in Finnish). I knew I wanted her the second I saw her! Backed up with Basic Gray Porcelain papers
Papers: Basic Gray Porcelain
Images: Mummu from Mo's Digital Pencil
Ink: Printer ink
Coloring: Watercolor pencils, Koi-brush
Basic Gray,
card making,
digital stamps,
Simon Says
Happened today - kitty and dog co-op mission
Me: "Why do you think it's so quiet downstairs?"
Mr.: "He's just playing with his chew bone."
Me: "Okay."
some time passes and the dog comes upstairs
Dog: *whimper*
Mr.: "Want to go out?" goes downstairs
Mr.: "Umm, honey, come here... This is why it was so quiet..."

I had taken out the cat's vaccination and vet records so we could book her for a booster appointment and left it on the counter top. Apparently the cat had flipped it on the floor, where the dog sees everything as chewable. At least nothing important was damaged ;P
Not to mention there was also poo on the floor. It was raiding outside...
Tapahtui tänään:
Minä: "Miksiköhän alakerrassa on niin hiljaista?"
Mr.: "Se leikkii puruluulla."
Minä: "Ok."
Aikaa kuluu, koira tulee yläkertaan
Koira: *vikisee*
Mr.: "Mennäänkö ulos?"
poistuu alakertaan
Mr.: "Totanoin, tuus tänne... Tämän takia oli niin hiljaista..."
Olin nostanut kissan rokotuskortin ja eläinlääkärivihkon esiin, jotta voitaisiin tilata sille buusteri-aika ensi viikolle. Kissa oli sitten läpsinyt vihkosen lattialle, jossa kaikki on tietysti koiralle puruleluja. Onneksi ei mitään tärkeää tietoa tuhoutunut.
Ja tietty lattialla oli myös kakkaa, ulkonahan satoi kaatamalla!
Mr.: "He's just playing with his chew bone."
Me: "Okay."
some time passes and the dog comes upstairs
Dog: *whimper*
Mr.: "Want to go out?" goes downstairs
Mr.: "Umm, honey, come here... This is why it was so quiet..."

I had taken out the cat's vaccination and vet records so we could book her for a booster appointment and left it on the counter top. Apparently the cat had flipped it on the floor, where the dog sees everything as chewable. At least nothing important was damaged ;P
Not to mention there was also poo on the floor. It was raiding outside...
Tapahtui tänään:
Minä: "Miksiköhän alakerrassa on niin hiljaista?"
Mr.: "Se leikkii puruluulla."
Minä: "Ok."
Aikaa kuluu, koira tulee yläkertaan
Koira: *vikisee*
Mr.: "Mennäänkö ulos?"
poistuu alakertaan
Mr.: "Totanoin, tuus tänne... Tämän takia oli niin hiljaista..."
Olin nostanut kissan rokotuskortin ja eläinlääkärivihkon esiin, jotta voitaisiin tilata sille buusteri-aika ensi viikolle. Kissa oli sitten läpsinyt vihkosen lattialle, jossa kaikki on tietysti koiralle puruleluja. Onneksi ei mitään tärkeää tietoa tuhoutunut.
Ja tietty lattialla oli myös kakkaa, ulkonahan satoi kaatamalla!
Friday, July 24, 2009
MMSC #11 and Colour Create 23
Another great sketch at Midnight Madness

I will also enter this to Colour Create Challenge 23 with theme of "Blue and White".

The ribbon is needle tatted by me - just plain chains and loops, as easy as it gets. I stamped the image to glossy photo paper, which I had first smudged with Distress Ink. Interesting finding by the way - I got perfect fingerprints showing because I had touched the surface before applying the ink. It was practically embossing without embossing ink or heat tool ;P Safe to say I had to make another one. Retro flowers are again punched from paint samples, I absolutely LOVE them!
Papers: glossy photo paper, blue card stock
Images: Kreativ Hobby collage stamp
Ink: Distress Ink Peeled Paint
Other: tatted ribbon, brads, retro punches, paint samples

I will also enter this to Colour Create Challenge 23 with theme of "Blue and White".

The ribbon is needle tatted by me - just plain chains and loops, as easy as it gets. I stamped the image to glossy photo paper, which I had first smudged with Distress Ink. Interesting finding by the way - I got perfect fingerprints showing because I had touched the surface before applying the ink. It was practically embossing without embossing ink or heat tool ;P Safe to say I had to make another one. Retro flowers are again punched from paint samples, I absolutely LOVE them!
Papers: glossy photo paper, blue card stock
Images: Kreativ Hobby collage stamp
Ink: Distress Ink Peeled Paint
Other: tatted ribbon, brads, retro punches, paint samples
card making,
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Miten tämän voisi ohittaa? (only in Finnish, sorry)
Askartelu-paskarteluhan on lähellä sydäntäni, joten miten voisinkaan ohittaa uuden haasteblogin, jonka nimi on...

Kaikki mukaan Touko-Poukon lemppari-hemppari juttu-puttuun!

Kaikki mukaan Touko-Poukon lemppari-hemppari juttu-puttuun!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wonderful freebie form Tinker & Co
Made a card from the wonderful freebie "Vintage Dad" from Tinker & Co, entering Farm Fresh Friday at The Greeting Farm

Papers: "Vintage Dad" from Tinker & Co
Images: Wild Things from The Greeting Farm
Ink: StazOn Jet Black, Distress Ink Vintage Photo
Coloring: Watercolor pencils, Koi-brush
Other: Retro-paperpunch, Basic Gray brad

Papers: "Vintage Dad" from Tinker & Co
Images: Wild Things from The Greeting Farm
Ink: StazOn Jet Black, Distress Ink Vintage Photo
Coloring: Watercolor pencils, Koi-brush
Other: Retro-paperpunch, Basic Gray brad
card making,
the Greeting Farm
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Pet peeve / Superärsytys!
One REALLY annoying thing I've noticed recently while bloghopping / commenting, is a new word verification version some people use in their blogs:
it forces you to preview your comment even though you click on "Post now", requires a word input AND does not accept pressing the enter-key when the cursor is at the word verification field.
Safe to say this really takes out fun from commenting. A few times I've realized a comment I made never got through, cause I had already navigated away from the page after the first click, not realizing the stupid thing went to preview and wv.
Please people, check how your blogger behaves when taking in comments. Word verification is from the devil.
Viime aikoina kommentoidessa ihmisten blogeihin olen huomannut todella ärsyttävän trendin sanavahvistus-käytännössä: joissain blogeissa on käytössä tapa, joka vaatii esikatselun, vaikka itse klikkaisikin suoraan "lähetä". Sanavahvistus ei myöskään suostu hyväksymään enter-painallusta jos kursori on sanakentässä, joka entisestään hidastaa koko toimintoa.
Menee hauskuus kommentoinnista, kun huomaa että pari kommenttia, joiden luuli menneen perille, eivät koskaan menneetkään, kun ehtisin jo pois sivulta, vaikka olinkin vasta "preview" ja sanavahvistusvaiheessa.
Olkaa kilttejä immeiset ja tarkistakaa miten oma bloggerinne toimii kommentteja vastaanottaessa. Sanavahvistus on saatanasta.
it forces you to preview your comment even though you click on "Post now", requires a word input AND does not accept pressing the enter-key when the cursor is at the word verification field.
Safe to say this really takes out fun from commenting. A few times I've realized a comment I made never got through, cause I had already navigated away from the page after the first click, not realizing the stupid thing went to preview and wv.
Please people, check how your blogger behaves when taking in comments. Word verification is from the devil.
Viime aikoina kommentoidessa ihmisten blogeihin olen huomannut todella ärsyttävän trendin sanavahvistus-käytännössä: joissain blogeissa on käytössä tapa, joka vaatii esikatselun, vaikka itse klikkaisikin suoraan "lähetä". Sanavahvistus ei myöskään suostu hyväksymään enter-painallusta jos kursori on sanakentässä, joka entisestään hidastaa koko toimintoa.
Menee hauskuus kommentoinnista, kun huomaa että pari kommenttia, joiden luuli menneen perille, eivät koskaan menneetkään, kun ehtisin jo pois sivulta, vaikka olinkin vasta "preview" ja sanavahvistusvaiheessa.
Olkaa kilttejä immeiset ja tarkistakaa miten oma bloggerinne toimii kommentteja vastaanottaessa. Sanavahvistus on saatanasta.
life in general
Monday, July 20, 2009
How to annoy the heck out of the puppy.
Kuinka koiranpentua ärsytetään.

How to ignore the expensive toys downstairs and play with brown paper bag.
Kuinka unohdetaan kaikki alakerran kalliit kissalelut ja leikitään sen sijaan ruskeassa paperikassissa.

How to fit into the smallest possible free space.
Kuinka mahdutaan mahdollisimman pieneen vapaaseen tilaan.
Kuinka koiranpentua ärsytetään.

How to ignore the expensive toys downstairs and play with brown paper bag.
Kuinka unohdetaan kaikki alakerran kalliit kissalelut ja leikitään sen sijaan ruskeassa paperikassissa.

How to fit into the smallest possible free space.
Kuinka mahdutaan mahdollisimman pieneen vapaaseen tilaan.

In "aunt"-Linn's garden
Yesterday we visited "aunt"-Linn's garden (my bf's sister) and Boyd had some fun. Some disgusting fun.
Eilen kävimme vierailulla Linn-"tädillä" (turskan sisko) ja Boydilla oli hupaa. Suurin osa huvista tosin oli todella inhaa...
First we posed like a good boy next to the absolutely gorgeous cast iron structure.
Ensin me seisottiin kilttinä poikana aivan mahtavan takorautaisen katoksen vieressä.

Then we ran a bit chasing "cousin" Svarten (the cat).
Ja sitten juostiin hulluna Svarten-"serkun" perässä.

"Kitty where did ya go?"
"Kisukisu minne sä katosit?"

"Cousin" Svarten was not happy about the intruder!
Svarten-"serkku" ei todellakaan ollut innoissaan vieraasta...

The rest of the day Boyd spent eating happily a huge pile of dried cat poo he found about. He was absolutely NOT going to let it go and ate all of it. And then came to give us kisses... To protect the innocence of my readers, photos are not shared. It was yucky, believe me.
Loppupäivän Boyd viettikin iloisesti natustaen järjettömän isoa kasaa kuivaa kissankakkaa, jonka se jostain ruohikosta löysi. Sen pois ottaminen oli ihan mahdotonta ja koira söikin koko kasan. Sen jälkeen olikin kiva antaa kaikille kuonopusuja! Lukijoitteni viattomuutta suojellakseni tapahtumasta ei ole kuvia. Yökkyä oli, uskokaa pois.
Eilen kävimme vierailulla Linn-"tädillä" (turskan sisko) ja Boydilla oli hupaa. Suurin osa huvista tosin oli todella inhaa...
First we posed like a good boy next to the absolutely gorgeous cast iron structure.
Ensin me seisottiin kilttinä poikana aivan mahtavan takorautaisen katoksen vieressä.

Then we ran a bit chasing "cousin" Svarten (the cat).
Ja sitten juostiin hulluna Svarten-"serkun" perässä.

"Kitty where did ya go?"
"Kisukisu minne sä katosit?"

"Cousin" Svarten was not happy about the intruder!
Svarten-"serkku" ei todellakaan ollut innoissaan vieraasta...

The rest of the day Boyd spent eating happily a huge pile of dried cat poo he found about. He was absolutely NOT going to let it go and ate all of it. And then came to give us kisses... To protect the innocence of my readers, photos are not shared. It was yucky, believe me.
Loppupäivän Boyd viettikin iloisesti natustaen järjettömän isoa kasaa kuivaa kissankakkaa, jonka se jostain ruohikosta löysi. Sen pois ottaminen oli ihan mahdotonta ja koira söikin koko kasan. Sen jälkeen olikin kiva antaa kaikille kuonopusuja! Lukijoitteni viattomuutta suojellakseni tapahtumasta ei ole kuvia. Yökkyä oli, uskokaa pois.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge #10
A quick tag I made based on the MMSC #10, featuring a free vintage photo and some cheap ass dollar store paper, all topped with Ikea-bought gift ribbon :D I am on a "let's be as cheap as possible" mode today I think...

Papers: Dollar store scrapbooking paper
Images: free vintage image "Bonne Anne", Scrappy Cat tag, misc. small stamps
Ink: StazOn Jet Black, Brilliance Dew Drop, Distress Vintage Photo
Other: Gift ribbon

Papers: Dollar store scrapbooking paper
Images: free vintage image "Bonne Anne", Scrappy Cat tag, misc. small stamps
Ink: StazOn Jet Black, Brilliance Dew Drop, Distress Vintage Photo
Other: Gift ribbon
card making,
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The compulsory furry kids -post
We've been
Being civil with the kitty (for all 2 seconds)

Sleeping with mommy.

and Suvi has just been her cute little self.
Being civil with the kitty (for all 2 seconds)

Sleeping with mommy.

and Suvi has just been her cute little self.

Sugar Bowl #15
Entering Sugar Bowl with one of the images I got from Mina. Colored with watercolor pencils, papers from a magazine cd, ribbon / bow from Ikea gift ribbon :D Oh, and the retro flowers are made from paint samples I took from a home improvement store - gotta love those little cards with gazillion coordinating colors :D Bf thought though that I am mad when I came back from the paint shelf hands full of paint samples: "Honey, I don't think they are meant for card making...". What, they were free, he should be happy cause I just saved him a lot of money ;)

Papers: Magazine freebies, cream colored card stock
Images: Sugar Nellie
Coloring: Watercolor pencils, Koi brush
Other: Gift ribbon from Ikea(!), paint samples for retro flowers ^_^

Papers: Magazine freebies, cream colored card stock
Images: Sugar Nellie
Coloring: Watercolor pencils, Koi brush
Other: Gift ribbon from Ikea(!), paint samples for retro flowers ^_^
card making,
Sugar Bowl,
Sugar Nellie
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Something blue...
This is a dual card, first off The Next Level week 7 sketch with required 3D-element

I left out the sentiment as I don't have suitable stamps and I'm sooo bad at creating any on the computer...
And for the second challenge, Creative Inspirations Challenge asking for "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue". Well, I did not make a wedding card, but here's a list of things:
something old: the blue card stock - the first ever I bought :)
something new: the lovely C.C. Designs Swiss Pixies Heidi DIGI Image
something borrowed: the blue ribbon is from a friend's stash
something blue: well, this one is quite obvious don't you think :D

Papers: Blue card stock, stash papers
Images: C.C. Designs Swiss Pixies Heidi DIGI Image
Ink: Distress Ink Peeled Paint
Coloring: watercolor pencils, koi-brush
Other: Paint samples for the retro flowers, brads, Basic Gray pearls, stickles

I left out the sentiment as I don't have suitable stamps and I'm sooo bad at creating any on the computer...
And for the second challenge, Creative Inspirations Challenge asking for "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue". Well, I did not make a wedding card, but here's a list of things:
something old: the blue card stock - the first ever I bought :)
something new: the lovely C.C. Designs Swiss Pixies Heidi DIGI Image
something borrowed: the blue ribbon is from a friend's stash
something blue: well, this one is quite obvious don't you think :D

Papers: Blue card stock, stash papers
Images: C.C. Designs Swiss Pixies Heidi DIGI Image
Ink: Distress Ink Peeled Paint
Coloring: watercolor pencils, koi-brush
Other: Paint samples for the retro flowers, brads, Basic Gray pearls, stickles
And one for the cat people ;)
Okay, tomorrow we are heading for Ikea to get me some furniture to my craft room (table and some shelves), and I promise once I get it done there will be something else than animal posts :D On another note, Suvi was introduced to knitting yesterday and all my hopes of having a cat that would *ignore* knitting were dashed as she hunted for the needles, cables, yarn, yarnbag, my hands... Once we got to bed my lovely bf remembered to ask "You did not leave your knitting downstairs, right?". I thought I had brought it up with me (upstairs is closed door section), but thankfully began to suspect my own memory and went to check - yup, there was my £18 Cherry Tree Hill laying on the floor, totally helpless... Thankfully the cat had not gotten to it yet, and it was saved upstairs in a flash!
Mountain climbing facilities:


Vertical kitty

Mountain climbing facilities:


Vertical kitty

For the dog fans this time... / Koirafaneille nannaa...
Well, here's something yummie for the dog fans out there :)
Tässä hiukan nannaa koirafaneillekin...
Relaxing in his own bed with his favorite fox toy.
Rentoutumista omalla pedillä suosikkikettulelun kanssa.

Sleepy show of the armament... Still puppy teeth but they're sharp!
Unisena esitellään tuhoaseita - pentuhampaat mutta terävät!

Stop flashing that evil light!
Et viitsis sitä inhaa salamaa koko ajan räpsytellä...

Playing with the kitty, nicely for once (almost...)
Kissan kanssa leikitään, kauniisti kerrankin (ainakin melkein)


Running free in grandmom's garden, with the foxy of course!
Mummom puutarhassa saa juosta vapaana, ja kettu tietty matkassa mukana!

Superfun to be at the country running free!
Ihan mahtavaa olla maalla ja vapaana!

Granddad has a fish pond...
Papalla on kala-lampi...

Nosy little fellah!
Utelias pikkukaveri!

Sleepy puppy after all the running...
Juokseminen alkoi vihdoin väsyttää...

Kids and me having a nap...
Muksut ja minä iltapäivänokosilla...

Helping mommy with the laundry... (no not really, it's his own bedding)
Hei autetaan emäntää pyykkien kanssa... (omaa rättiään tässä raahaa, onneksi)

Who, me?
Jaa mää vai?
Tässä hiukan nannaa koirafaneillekin...
Relaxing in his own bed with his favorite fox toy.
Rentoutumista omalla pedillä suosikkikettulelun kanssa.

Sleepy show of the armament... Still puppy teeth but they're sharp!
Unisena esitellään tuhoaseita - pentuhampaat mutta terävät!

Stop flashing that evil light!
Et viitsis sitä inhaa salamaa koko ajan räpsytellä...

Playing with the kitty, nicely for once (almost...)
Kissan kanssa leikitään, kauniisti kerrankin (ainakin melkein)


Running free in grandmom's garden, with the foxy of course!
Mummom puutarhassa saa juosta vapaana, ja kettu tietty matkassa mukana!

Superfun to be at the country running free!
Ihan mahtavaa olla maalla ja vapaana!

Granddad has a fish pond...
Papalla on kala-lampi...

Nosy little fellah!
Utelias pikkukaveri!

Sleepy puppy after all the running...
Juokseminen alkoi vihdoin väsyttää...

Kids and me having a nap...
Muksut ja minä iltapäivänokosilla...

Helping mommy with the laundry... (no not really, it's his own bedding)
Hei autetaan emäntää pyykkien kanssa... (omaa rättiään tässä raahaa, onneksi)

Who, me?
Jaa mää vai?

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