Tuesday, July 14, 2009

And one for the cat people ;)

Okay, tomorrow we are heading for Ikea to get me some furniture to my craft room (table and some shelves), and I promise once I get it done there will be something else than animal posts :D On another note, Suvi was introduced to knitting yesterday and all my hopes of having a cat that would *ignore* knitting were dashed as she hunted for the needles, cables, yarn, yarnbag, my hands... Once we got to bed my lovely bf remembered to ask "You did not leave your knitting downstairs, right?". I thought I had brought it up with me (upstairs is closed door section), but thankfully began to suspect my own memory and went to check - yup, there was my £18 Cherry Tree Hill laying on the floor, totally helpless... Thankfully the cat had not gotten to it yet, and it was saved upstairs in a flash!

Mountain climbing facilities:


Vertical kitty

1 comment:

  1. Kaunis ja notkea kissa! Pääsin taas vaihteeksi sivullesi ilman, että kone kaatui :)
    Suomessa on ilmat iahn toisenlaiset: Vettä kaatamalla ja vilpoisaakin, alle 20 asteen.
    Tänään sentään aurinko lämmitti jopa 24 asteisena jonkin aikaa...
    Kummallinen kesä!
    Mukavaa menoa uudessa asuinpaikassanne eläintenne kera!
