Monday, July 20, 2009

In "aunt"-Linn's garden

Yesterday we visited "aunt"-Linn's garden (my bf's sister) and Boyd had some fun. Some disgusting fun.

Eilen kävimme vierailulla Linn-"tädillä" (turskan sisko) ja Boydilla oli hupaa. Suurin osa huvista tosin oli todella inhaa...

First we posed like a good boy next to the absolutely gorgeous cast iron structure.
Ensin me seisottiin kilttinä poikana aivan mahtavan takorautaisen katoksen vieressä.

Then we ran a bit chasing "cousin" Svarten (the cat).
Ja sitten juostiin hulluna Svarten-"serkun" perässä.

"Kitty where did ya go?"
"Kisukisu minne sä katosit?"

"Cousin" Svarten was not happy about the intruder!
Svarten-"serkku" ei todellakaan ollut innoissaan vieraasta...

The rest of the day Boyd spent eating happily a huge pile of dried cat poo he found about. He was absolutely NOT going to let it go and ate all of it. And then came to give us kisses... To protect the innocence of my readers, photos are not shared. It was yucky, believe me.

Loppupäivän Boyd viettikin iloisesti natustaen järjettömän isoa kasaa kuivaa kissankakkaa, jonka se jostain ruohikosta löysi. Sen pois ottaminen oli ihan mahdotonta ja koira söikin koko kasan. Sen jälkeen olikin kiva antaa kaikille kuonopusuja! Lukijoitteni viattomuutta suojellakseni tapahtumasta ei ole kuvia. Yökkyä oli, uskokaa pois.


  1. I'm really enjoying your puppy & kitten pics - glad you didn't share any involving poo! One of my dogs went through that stage - YUCK!!

  2. Yes, he grew out of it, although rabbit poo & horse poo are still pretty tasty to both of them...wait until he rolls in fox poo, that's a treat for the nostrils!!!(Use ketchup to get rid of the smell - works like a charm!)
